Friday, 7 May 2010

If only he had a little less constipation

Everyone has their theories about 'The King'.

Some say he's still alive and you can see him at petrol stations in the dead of the night, others say he's living in his music and many say what they know of his death, but it has now been revealed that, instead of dying of an irregular heartbeat, he died of chronic constipation.

Dr George Nick Nicopoulos was at Elvis Presley's side for the last 12 years of his life and on the day that Presley died he did try to resuscitate him. He released a book called 'The King and Dr Nick'.

Elvis was found dead on the toilet in 1977 after going to the bathroom. Even after a cause of death had been verified, nobody was certain that he really died of cardiac arrhythmia.
Research into 'The Kings' death was carried out in various med schools that were researching constipation.
An autopsy revealed that Presley's colon was 5-6 inches in diameter and 9ft in length, whereas a normal colon is 2-3 inches in diameter and 4-5ft long.

Elvis's doctors knew his constipation was bad, as in 1975 they had planned to remove part of Presley's colon, but Elvis wouldn't have it.
Although it's not nice to know, during treatment of his condition, there have been times where Elvis had 'accidents' on stage and had to change clothes.

Until the autopsy no-one realised how bad the constipation was and can now explain why Presley gained weight, it was not due to eating the wrong foods (in excess), it was his severe constipation.

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